

fitness pal Archives - Marc Fitt Top Fitness Model & Entrepreneur

Day 3: Back & Triceps Size up!!

By | Back, Triceps, Videos, Workouts | 3,743 Comments

Day 4 Back& triceps Back 1- Warm-up   2min rest x 2sets a)      Negative weighted chin-upx 10 b)      Negative Pull-up x10 c)       V-bar lat pull down 10 each side 2-      (3/4 all set)   2min restx 3 sets a)      v-bar barbell ¾ rowsx 10 b)      ¾ barbell rowsx10 c)       One arm rows x10 each side 3-  (Middle Up)  Mid 3 2min restx 3 sets a)      v-bar mid-rows x10 b)     Hammer Strength rowsx10 c)       Supination mid-rows x10 4-  (Strenght On) 2min rest x3 sets a)      Dead lift x10 b)      Back fly x15 c)       Cable high to low, body side fly x20   Triceps 1-  Skull to the limite 2min rest x4 sets a)      Skull crusher x10 b)      close grip press  x10 2- Reverse Exset (2min rest x3 sets a)      Reverse straight bar extension x10 b)       reverse alternating pulley down  x10 x3 3- Triangle War  (2min rest x3 sets) a)      Triangle extension x10 b)      rope south to north x10 c)       rope north to south extension x10 4- (Final Round)2min rest x 3 sets a)      straight bar over the head x10 b) Triceps Dips xMaxxxx OUTTTTT!!!! b)      one arm pulley Kick back X 10 of each arm Pic of my back 3…

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Chest & Biceps Size up

By | Chest & Biceps, Videos, Workouts, Written workouts | One Comment
Day 1 of my new routine workout: Chest & biceps size up 1- Incline dumbbell press (4-6-8-10)repsx4 sets 2- Flat dumbbell press (6-8-10)x 3 sets 3-Decline bench press (6-8-10)x3 sets 4-Pulley Punch: (5x high, 5x mid chest, 5x low chest SS 20x mid pulley fly)x3   Biceps 1-Barbell biceps curls 10x4 2-Dumbbell curls SS Dumbbell hammer curls 10/10x3 3-Ez bar close grip pulley...
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