New cutting program for Team Fitt — The LumberJacked Series Watch the entire series at
It’s always a pleasure to see the impact I have on others, and the ways they express the motivation I’ve given them. A new video is up on my YouTube channel, created by Kovacevic! #TeamFitt #fitness #motivation
Q&A – Pull-Ups & Chin-Ups – A new Fitt Q&A for you all! The pull-up and chin-up are some of the single best exercises for your back. But, they’re also some of the hardest. Watch this new instalment and learn how you can improve your pull-ups and chin-ups in no time!
Day in a life 05- Special guest at Atomik Nutrition and Legdurance workout – In this video I bring you into some of my day at the new Atomik Nutrition store and present an intense legs workout that I’ve called Legdurance. Download the worksheet below and bring your legs workout to a whole new level! Enjoy each day and give everything in your power to bring your life in reality to the way you see it mentally. [wpdm_file id=102]

Fitt Q&A – Physical Job: Diet Adjustment? – In this new video, I answer a member’s question concerning his caloric intake because he has a physically demanding job that requires a lot of energy. I’m sure it will help you out, and don’t forget to get your Nutrition Planner and watch the tutorial videos here!