Three key elements to focus on to get results In this new video blog, I confirm the 3 main pillars you really have to work on to be sure you reach your goals. Don’t lose the opportunity to change; stop complaining and trying to find the magic formula, because in reality, it is really basic but hard to be consistant.
Stay Yourself and be Thankful In this short, 4-minute video blog, I share my thoughts about an experience I had today. It’s really crazy what can happen when you don’t hold your dream in your mind, but instead put it out there in the real world.
How to integrate positive changes into your lifestyle It’s getting to be that time of year again, and you know what that means. In less than a month, New Years will be here, and that means people are going to create resolutions as a means to better themselves. The only caveat there is, about 92% of people end up abandoning them. Everyone goes into these endeavours with good intentions. But they just never seem sustainable, and that’s a shame. Here at marcfitt.com, the only thing we love more than people undertaking self-improvement is watching people succeed at self-improvement! The first thing you need to do when deciding on integrating a positive change into your lifestyle is choose one thing — just one. A lot of times, people will choose a laundry list of resolutions and it becomes overwhelming, usually resulting in them abandoning it altogether. By choosing a single resolution, it becomes much more likely that you’ll stick to it. It’ll be easier to focus on and you won’t have the urge to ditch the notion. Remember that it takes three weeks (or 21 days if you prefer) to make something a habit. Use all of the resources you can…
Fitt Q&A – Eating at the restaurant In this new Fitt Q&A, I answer a great question about what I do when I go out to a restaurant. I’ll cover how I’m able to make a healthy choice and stay on the right track! How about you? What are your methods of keeping your diet in check when you dine out? Let me know in the comment section below!
Marc stretches, and so should you! Anybody who works out is no stranger to the soreness that ensues afterwards. Especially the next day and, of course, the dreaded day-two! There’s a way to reduce that, though! Although it’s good to be sore (that’s a sign you did a good job at the gym), not everybody loves the feeling of barely being able to function the next day. All of you who have done the Lift More: Legs workout know what I’m talking about. Ouch! This is where stretching comes in handy. After your workout, stretching can help to realign your muscle fibers which, in turn, helps to accelerate your recovery process. It’ll also help to reduce lactic acid buildup which aids in preventing soreness felt the next day. The stretching of the fascia will also assist in further growth of your muscles. Stretching isn’t just limited to post-workout, however. Having a good pre-workout routine can assist you in getting warmed up properly, which is a great way to prevent injury during you workout, and allow you to push harder! Marc has a go-to routine he follows when he works out, and it works wonders. Pre-workout: 1. Begin with an active…
The Lift More Series, a full 5-day split workout is now available for you
All About Arms workout No matter what you do, or want to do, do it right. And that’s what we will do in this new video; we will destroy our arms… in the right way! [wpdm_file id=64]