Fitt Q&A – Where to Get a Scale Here you’ll learn where Marc got his food scale!
Fitt Q&A – How to Grow Your Biceps Everyone wants bigger biceps. In this Fitt Q&A, Marc gives you the lowdown on how to get them.
Fitt Q&A – Workouts for Beginners Are you just getting started on your fitness journey? Watch this video and learn the truth about “beginner” workouts.

This week, we’ll be addressing something we actually delved into a little bit on last week’s live show. These days, there are so many options when it comes to role models. With social media, it’s become even easier to follow their movements, track how they live their life, and imitate that. In some cases, this is just a huge positive, but in others, it’s the opposite. It leaves a ton of room for them to slip up, and negatively influence the people who idolize them. Here, we’ll explain how important it is to not model your life after someone you idolize, and to maintain who you truly are at all times. Don’t get us wrong; having idols and role models is extremely important. Marc looks up to anyone who’s great, and works hard. It helps set an example, and a bar that you can work to reach. It’ll help push you to want to achieve what they have, because you see it’s possible. They aren’t special people, they’re just people who have taken a risk, and worked extremely hard because they understand the value of time. Then again, they aren’t perfect. They make mistakes too, and unfortunately, with the Internet…

When it comes to supplements, their rank of importance really varies. For most people, protein is number one, but after that, it becomes cloudier. Marc believes number two is BCAA. This week’s article will be dedicated to explaining what exactly BCAA is, how it positively impacts your body and results and finally which BCAA product you should take and when. It’s one of the most underrated supplements, so today we’ll set out to give it the recognition it deserves! Ok, well first of all, BCAA stands for “branched chain amino acids.” It’s a combination of three amino acids; leucine, isoleucine, and valine. Usually when you intake amino acids, and even things like protein, they’re metabolized in the liver. With these, the breakdown is actually focused mostly in the muscles. The reason Marc drinks AMRAP (Beyond Yourself’s brand of BCAA’s) while he trains is because of that. They go directly to your muscles and when broken down, give you energy in the form of ATP (adenosine triphosphate). ATP is your main source of muscular energy. That being said, I think it’s clear why it’s useful! It’ll give you energy as you workout, allowing you to push yourself harder, and farther than…

As everyone knows, following a dream that may not be something society accepts as normal isn’t easy. Whether it be fitness, music, acting, or any other kind of abnormal profession, other people are often the reason you’re afraid/hesitant to pursue it. Since it’s a risk, and they haven’t personally witnessed anyone making it, they don’t believe it’s possible. When they look at the people who have made it, they assume they got in the easy way, or through someone else. In reality, the solution is hard work. That’s why you shouldn’t necessarily listen to those people. Even as a little kid, other people’s opinions have a huge impact on your life. You’re always wondering how others perceive you, and what they think or maybe even say about you when you aren’t around. Though it’s completely normal, it’s an unnecessary waste of time. As you grow, and get older, usually after high school, you realize people’s opinions don’t really matter. Certain people experience that little epiphany more intensely than others, and take it too far. These people usually overdo it, and change their personality completely for the worse. Most tend to realize, and it improves their quality of life, but not…
Homemade pancake recipe Breakfast is served! Dig into my homemade pancake recipe for a high-protein twist on this classic favourite. Time to feed that hard-earned muscle!