When people refer to beverages that have a negative impact on your body’s functionality, or hinder results from training, they often mention soft drinks and alcohol. Really, they should be avoiding all sweet drinks. Soft drinks obviously are bad for you, and are the ones most frowned upon by trainers, or dieticians, but in reality, other drinks can be just as bad. As we’ve already discussed, diet is the most important aspect of training and getting results, so a few sweet drinks can make a big difference when it comes down to it. First of all, these drinks can really be a huge contributing factor when it comes to gaining weight. The reason being, these drinks tend to have a lot of calories due to the high sugar content. These obviously aren’t beneficial calories for your body, but that isn’t even the biggest issue. The main problem is the fact that you can eat food with the same amount of calories, but it will fill you up. When you drink a soft drink, or other sweet drink, you’ll get a ton of calories and a crazy amount of sugar, but it won’t fill you up. Inevitably, this will…