Cooking Video – Post-workout Fish In this cooking video, Marc shows you another high-protein dish perfect to act as your post-workout meal.
“WALL OF FAME” video! This was an awesome day, and I can’t thank Beyond Yourself enough for their support. Also, thank you all, because you’re the best followers I could possibly have to support me throughout my quest of life. —————————————————————— Get your personalized plan from Marc: Pre-order Marc Fitt’s Free eBook:

So many times people undertake their fitness journey without fully taking into consideration their diet, even though diet is literally the most important part of the process. Your diet makes or breaks your results, and very often people become frustrated with their lack of progress and end up giving up on their dream body — but they never took into consideration what they put into their mouth (remember the expression, “abs are made in the kitchen”?). While dietary needs change from person to person, there are some principles that can be applied to most people that will help maximize their results. In this article, we will discuss the top five foods you should include in your diet, not only to help you achieve the shape you want, but also to improve your overall health. Top 5 to use Blueberries. This tiny little fruit is a superfood that is associated with a plethora of benefits. Blueberries contain extremely high levels of antioxidants, help reduce abdominal fat, lower triglycerides and cholesterol, improve memory function, and help reduce risk of some cancers — just to name a few. Avocados. Possibly one of the best sources of healthy fats (mono- and…
Despite people generally wanting to pick up training in the spring to prepare their body for summer, summer itself is actually a great time to start training. This doesn’t necessarily mean in a gym either, it’s also the best time to start alternative style training outside. In this article we’ll explore the advantages of signing up for a gym in the summer, and even the different possibilities when it comes to outdoor workouts in the beautiful weather. If you didn’t find the motivation you needed to start working out in the spring, don’t get down on yourself; it isn’t too late. The summer is an amazing time to sign up to the gym. With the beautiful weather outdoors, the gym crowd tends to begin to shrink. People often begin to train less, as they want to enjoy the beautiful weather, or perhaps they throw in some different outdoor workouts to get the best of both worlds. What this means for someone who wants to start training at a gym is space. Instead of signing up to a crowded, possibly intimidating if you’re someone who worries about looking inexperienced gym, you’ll get a vacant, empty gym to learn and progress in….
1.Squat: The squat is almost a must when it comes to working out, especially if you’re looking to develop your legs. Not only does the squat work your legs, but it also makes your whole body work hard. When you think of the squat, of course you primarily imagine it working your legs, but it also has a huge impact on the core and lower back. Being heavy weights are usually used, and it’s vast muscle use, it helps your body produce a lot of testosterone, so other exercises are more effective, and growth is more likely. 2.Deadlift: As we’ve already done an article on the deadlift, you may already know how important it is, but we’ll give a little resume of what it can do. Form is extremely important while performing this exercise. The deadlift literally works your whole body, and can improve everything from muscle growth to posture. It also produces a lot of testosterone, and can be beneficial all over. It really is an extremely complete, compound exercise that everyone should perfect and include in your routines, because it can really help overall results and progress. 3.Standing Press: The press is another compound movement, especially when performed…
This week we’ll focus on the importance of tracking results. This could mean anything from writing down your weight month after month, or taking progress pictures every so often so you could see how you’ve transformed your body. Knowing how you’ve progressed is more important than you’d think. Having a photo, or something like weight written down from the past, or even a goal weight can make a huge difference. It’ll help your focus so much; like nothing else. When you’re feeling off, or like you don’t want to go to the gym, or eat that last meal, looking at where you were or where you want to be in a picture or on paper can get you right back on track. It’ll allow you to focus on what’s important and keep sight of your goals, and reasons for wanting to achieve them. Not only will seeing a large drop, or clean gain in lean muscle mass satisfy you, but it’ll push you to train harder. The feeling of accomplishment is one that can’t be replaced, and one that can’t be replicated without greater accomplishment. To get the feeling again, you’ll want to accomplish an even greater goal of yours,…
Day in a life 01- Wilson Falls Had a great time at the Wilson Falls today! Had time to relax and enjoy the peaceful atmosphere after months of hard labor. Don’t forget to take time to collect your thoughts and refocus so you can go after your goals even harder. Enjoy this little video blog!
Calculate Your Caloric Intake Ever wonder how you can maximize your results? It’s as simple as calculating your daily calorie intake! Have a look and start applying this simple principle!
Announcement Vlog Check out this vlog to hear about some cool new additions to the Team Fitt experience!
Pre-workout Meal In this video you’ll learn two different ways to prepare an easy and effective pre-workout meal!