Despite the importance of weight when trying to build muscle, form is actually the key to really achieving the results you hope for. Many people sacrifice their form for the little bit more weight, as they think this will allow them to gain the most muscle mass in the shortest amount of time. Actually, this isn’t the case. The benefits of dropping the weight that little bit, while maintaining perfect form easily outweigh the benefits of adding a couple more pounds. We’ll run through some of the basic benefits, and hopefully change your opinion on the way you train. First of all, since the goal of the whole process is to gain muscle, this benefit is extremely important. When you’re lifting weight that’s too heavy, and your form is compromised, you may not properly target the muscle you hope to. It may cause you to target other muscles (to help you lift the weight) instead of the one you hoped to target, because it needs extra help. It may even cause damage to the muscle. With perfect form, you’ll be sure to target the right muscle, and by doing so, you’ll ensure you get the best results in the least…
Abs Workout #3 Here it is! The third abs workout. These are a few simple exercises that will get your abs to burn like never before. Try them out as soon as possible. [wpdm_file id=96]
Abs Workout #2 Here is the second abs workout! Let me know if this workout works for you. Check out the third workout too! [wpdm_file id=97]
Bi-gigantic Biceps Workout Everyone loves big biceps. Not everyone has them. But now, everyone can! Give this workout a go and get bowling ball biceps. [wpdm_file id=53]

This week, we’ll be talking about lifting belts, and whether or not they provide the protection many people claim. How important is it really, and what is it’s real purpose? Some people may be surprised to find out, it may not be exactly what you think. Many believe it provides protection against injury, but is that really the case? Hopefully, we’ll be able to clear up what the purpose of a belt is, and if you’re looking to buy one, which would be the best purchase for you. First of all, a belt’s main function, before protection, is actually to enhance performance. Another misconception is thinking it’s there to support your back. Actually, it is more importantly supporting your abdominal core. This allows it to stabilize your entire midsection and allow you to lift more weight, with what feels like, better support. This is why, contrary to popular belief, a belt really doesn’t serve the purpose of protection very well. People assume it will completely cut down the risk of injury to none, but this isn’t necessarily the case. As important as it is without the belt, form is key if you want to use it properly. If you have…
For many, finding the motivation to devote so much time and effort to their body is extremely difficult. To be able to maintain the required amount of consistency for months at a time is something to be very proud of. Once you’re rolling, there’s little that can interfere with you and your motivation. Other than injury, a huge one is being sick. It may sound like a minor speed bump, but losing those few pounds of muscle, or falling out of that rhythm can be really discouraging. With the amount of flu and colds going around this month, it seems unavoidable. Governor Cuomo actually declared state of emergency in New York due to the flu epidemic, and it’s all over North America, so avoiding it isn’t easy. Fortunately, there are ways to reduce your chances. Being in great shape already allows your body to better function. This is true for things such as your metabolism, and even sleep patterns. That being said, your immune system is also improved. To add to that, it is suggested (by Marc, and many others) to take a lot of vitamins, and supplements so you can really get the most out of your body and…

In recent years, many questions have been raised about when kids should start working out. Before we get into it, I’d like to point out; I’m not a doctor, and these are just my opinions based on information I’ve researched. This is what I believe is right. Though this is the case, throughout the article I hope to be able to provide some useful, and simple information. Often, the reason people say you shouldn’t train too young is because your body is still developing, and lifting weights could have a negative impact on it’s progress. Well, women will be done with growth by the age of 21, but men can continue all the way until 25. So really, does it negatively affect your body? There are multiple different opinions on whether or not it actually does stop growth, or change its patterns at all. It seems to be an obvious consensus when it comes to lifting heavy weight at a young age. For example, it isn’t recommended to be squatting extremely heavy at the age of 14. If that is the case, it is quite possible; even likely, it may negatively alter your growth pattern. Although, this may not mean…

Looking to get more out of your workouts? Sure, proper training regimen and diet are both key aspects, but what about sleep? Often disregarded, sleep is the solution to many people’s muscle building problems. Believe it or not, no matter how good your diet, and post workout shake are, recovery will be greatly hindered without the correct amount of sleep. Though the second you leave the gym your muscles slowly begin to recover, sleep is an extremely important factor in assuring the recovery is complete, and done properly. Things like your post-workout shake, and post-workout meal also help with recovery, but no supplement or food can make up for hours of rest. Sleep is the best possible rest for your body. While asleep, your body enters and exits many different stages. To be precise, there are 5 different stages of sleep you’re bound to encounter during an average night of sleep. Here is a list of the 5 stages, what they’re all about, and which will most benefit your body! Stage 1 is a relatively light sleep. In general, it’ll last a maximum of 10 minutes, and occurs when you’re transitioning from being awake, to falling asleep. This does your…