RAAAAWWWRRRRR ! THE NEW ULTIMATE BACK Workout is now on www.marcfitt.com! In this whole new video you will see a lot of new exercise to really destroy all muscle of your back, from trapz to your lower back. You don’t have to search anywhere to find the best back workout, this one is for you!
Q&A #13 How did you get started? I’ve always been an athletic person, especially, because I played hockey during seventeen years of my life. I had reached a very high level of competition in this sport, but muscular training fast became a passion. I dedicated myself into
Nick Desjardins How long are your workouts? I’m working out 45min to 1h15 with my abs workout include. After each workout I’m doing like 10 to 20 minutes of abdominals All Q&A are sponsored by www.atomiksupplements.ca Follow me on Facebook and Twitter: http://www.facebook.com/marc.fitt https://twitter.com/#!/Marc_Fitt
Zack Pytel How do you break up your muscle group workout and how many days a week do you workout? I’m working out 6 times per week and it’s look like this:
How do you maintain low bodyfat percentage while gaining muscle? Do you train to get bigger or just to stay that way? The best way to maintain this low bodyfat is
Joocy Hamid Joocy Which preworkout sups should I take? You should have a preworkout containing all the nutriments you
Q&A #7: Hello Marc! Can you tell me how you drink protein and creatine how many times in the day and with water or anything else? I’m actually shopping for creatine and protein and I need to know how to drink it right. Giorgi Asatiani Hello Marc! Can you tell me how you drink protein and creatine how many times in the day and with water or anything else? I’m actually shopping for creatine and protein and I need to know how to drink it right. I recommend you
Day Muscle: Shoulders Exercices Reps Sets Weights Week 1 week 2 week 3 1-barbell behind the neck press SS Arnold press 10/10 3 2-db press SS front barbell punch 10/10 3 3-side db raise (3 drop sets) 8-10-15 3 4-rear delt cable fly SS side shoulders cable fly 20/20 3 5-upright row SS machine press 20/20 3 6-barbell shurgg SS plate shrugg SS db upright row 30/30/10 3 8-abs
Romain Jacques : How did you manage to gain lean mass? To a certain level, doesn’t it become hard? What I mean by that is what about eating a little bit over our specific needs to gain mass without gaining fat. When I gain lean mass, I add 500 calories more than I actually need. These calories are going to be from proteins and not from carbohydrates. Several studies proved that
FST-7 is a training principle created by Hany Rambod, the Pro Creator. He has been using this training principle for many years exclusively with his clients to create physiques that win. WHAT IS FST-7 FST-7 is a training system I devised after years of research and a great deal of trial and error with many clients. FST stands for Fascia Stretch Training, and the seven refers to the seven sets performed for the final exercise of a target bodypart. I have had many clients use this system for overall growth and especially to improve stubborn bodyparts that were seemingly resistant to just about anything else the person had tried. FST-7 encompasses several factors both inside and outside the gym. IS FASCIA LIMITING YOUR MUSCLE GROWTH? There are three types of fascia in the human body, but the type bodybuilders should be concerned about is deep fascia. This is dense fibrous connective tissue that interpenetrates and surrounds the muscles, bones, nerves, and blood vessels of the body. The high density of collagen fibers is what gives the deep fascia its strength and integrity. The amount of elastin fibers determines how much extensibility and resiliency it will have. In other words,…