Day Muscle: Shoulders Exercices Reps Sets Weights Week 1 week 2 week 3 1-barbell behind the neck press SS Arnold press 10/10 3 2-db press SS front barbell punch 10/10 3 3-side db raise (3 drop sets) 8-10-15 3 4-rear delt cable fly SS side shoulders cable fly 20/20 3 5-upright row SS machine press 20/20 3 6-barbell shurgg SS plate shrugg SS db upright row 30/30/10 3 8-abs
Shoulders to be shredded as Fuck (1min rest time 1- Seated barbell press 10 x3 2- Standing Behind the neck barbell press SS Bradford press 15 x3 3- One arm pivot press SS two arm pivot press 15 x3
Legs on the Growth 1min30 rest time 1- 2 sets legs extension 20 reps 2- Barbell Squat 3×15 3- Leg press to calves 3×15
Beyond Yourself: Chest workout Warm-up: (Two hand Stair push-up x 20 SS one hand each side x10 ) x 2 sets Exercice #1 DB Flat press (four dropset) (4-6-8-12) x3 Exercice #2 (Incline DB press x10 SS Incline individual pulley press x10 SS Incline pulley Flyx20 )x3 Exercice #3
1min to 1min30 between each set 1-stiff-leg deadlift 10-12 x4 sets 2-seated leg curl 10 x3 sets 3-Lying leg curl 15x 4 to 6 sets(pyramidal) 4-fallen angel(legs lock) a 8×3 sets negative 5-stiff-leg DB deadlift 10×3 sets
1min to 1min 30 between each set 1-Legs extensionx10 FST-7 (30sec break between 7 sets)
3 sets per exercice and 45 sec-1min rest between each set follow me on facebook: follow me on twitter:!/Marc_Fitt
follow me on facebook and twitter:!/Marc_Fitt